10 Things Before Sending your Child to a Summer Camp in Israel

As parents, the most important thing for us is our child`s wellbeing, so before sending your kid to a summer camp in Israel, an empowering experience no doubt, there are some things you need to be aware of in order to make sure you make the right decision.

Let`s review some of the most important things for you to take under advisement.

Safety above All

Instead of fearing sending your child for an Israel trip, you should know that Israel is also a peaceful, fun-loving place. You should also be completely calm due to the extensive safety measures being implemented in BIG IDEA`s summer camps in Israel.

Our campuses are monitored by a security company operating 24/7 which provides around the clock security and enables the participants to enjoy a worry-free curriculum. Since the entire camp area is guarded, the kids practically get private security services, just like a VIP preparation for those who will pursue a diplomatic career in the future.


Empowering and Attentive Guidance

We take special pride in having a wonderful staff of mentors and counselors operating our summer camps in Israel. Our dedicated staff is fully committed to the creation of a close, personal, and empowering social environment amongst the children participating in the camp.

Your kids will not only enjoy theoretical and practical knowledge and activities, but they will also benefit from learning practical values to live by as responsible adults.
Our impressive instructor-participant ratio makes it even a more effective learning experience.

A Strong Jewish Connection

Offering a unique experience of a summer camp in the Jewish state of Israel, we also make sure to strengthen the concept of a global Jewish community, in order to deepen the connection between Israel and the Jewish communities all over the world.

International Experience

The substantial advantages of sending your child to a summer school abroad are well known and appreciated, as such experiences allow your kid to acquire various social and interpersonal skills that will serve them well in their adolescence and adulthood.

Your children get to be in a multilingual environment, where they absorb different cultures and acquire tons of positive experiences.

Great for College

Taking an active part in social activities like we conduct, especially in an intense learning environment overseas, looks wonderful on your child`s college application. It is known that desired educational institutions regard such experiences very highly. When you are at BIG IDEA, combining International experience with hands – on tech camp, you know you would like to put this in your CV.

Start-Up Nation Experience

Going on a summer camp in Israel exposes your kid to young bright minds, dedicated to harness their creativity and curious minds to create a better future. These curiosity, dedication, and enabling environment are what make Israel a startup nation, renowned throughout the world.

International Friendships

When your kid takes part in a summer camp away from home they learn to engage socially and develop lasting friendships with kids their age. You’d be surprised when such friendships can meet them in the future.

Warm Weather

Israel is the eternal sunshine state! The climate is always inviting, the sun is constantly shining, and even in winter time, it mostly feels like spring. You can’t ask for a better place to enjoy your summer.

Warm People

Israel is warm not only because of its sunny weather, but also because of its hearty, welcoming people. Generous hospitality and a close, personal, and social atmosphere are just a few of the unique characteristics of this lovely place. Your child is about to have the experience of a lifetime!

To Every Question – An Answer!

For anything else you’d like to know please feel free to contact our professional team who will gladly provide you with answers to any question regarding our summer camps in Israel.

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