Teen Summer Camp in Israel or Teen Trip to Israel? What’s Best to Choose?
What is the best summer experience in Israel for your child – fun camp or amazing teen trips? We have the answer here!
Jewish teens from all over the world are eager to visit Israel and get to know this exciting and unique country and its people. As parents of such curious young teens who are looking to expand their kids’ perspective and to encourage them to become self-reliant, responsible adults, you are presented with several options.
Sending them to summer camps in Israel will surely allow them to experience a great period of learning and growth. But then again, you might also ask yourself what’s the difference between a summer camp in Israel and a summer trip to Israel. Which is more suitable? Here are a couple of interesting points.
There’s a Trip and There’s an Experience
Don`t be mistaken, we don`t mean to belittle summer trips to Israel, but we do think that going on a summer camp in Israel is a much more enriching and fulfilling experience. Think about it, a trip is usually a fleeting experience that lacks depth, in which you get a glimpse, and only a glimpse, of landmarks and different sites. But then, the trip comes to an end and you go back home, never looking back on where you’ve been or keeping in touch with the people you’ve met along the way.
Where’s the experience? Where’s the growth? Where’s the added personal value? And that is where summer camps come in to offer that extra special something. There is no doubt that your kids will be mesmerized by the sight of the sun going down on Tel-Aviv, or of Jerusalem during market hours, but there is no substitute for interacting with other teens within a program that encourages initiative, friendship, and respect for fellow human-beings.
One Place, Multiple Experiences
When it comes down to it, it is much more beneficial for your children to participate in a summer camp experience, than to just be presented with Israeli heritage and history. This is their personal future we are talking about here, and that is one of our summer camps in Israel’s main objectives.
Partaking in the camp program, the kids tour some of the most successful and extraordinary Israeli hi-tech development hubs, startups, and universities, such as Technion and the Interdisciplinary Center. These study trips take them into the heart of Israeli hi-tech groundbreaking think tanks.
But what’s even more important is what the kids are left with – and that is the social connection they make with other kids in Israel, and with other kids from all over the world, for the long run. Moreover, remember that one day, when they make their first steps as working adults, they might find themselves in one of the welcoming Israeli companies they visited during their summer camp experience…
Not Just for Friendships
It is quite clear that one of the goals in sending your kid to a summer camp experience in Israel is about them creating a circle of social relationships in order to widen their base of international acquaintances.
However, the most distinct advantage of our summer camps goes beyond that, and has to do with the professional aspect as well. The immense importance of that period of time, is that experiencing a well-planned learning, practicing, and networking experience – will be the grounds your kids would flourish on.
When the target is predefined and the outcome is on us to prove – your children will get the best experience they can truly cherish, but more importantly – USE and rely on, for years to come in their personal and professional development.
Check out BIG IDEA camp – Best summer experience in Israel for your child
We have teen trips in Israel between the sessions – Learn more